Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Embryology (PGDCE)
Course Name : Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Embryology (PGDCE)
Clinical Embryology is a rapidly developing branch of reproductive science that started with the birth of the first test tube baby in 1978 and is
now recognized as Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART).
Embryologists are practitioners who provide this complex, regulated laboratory techniques that allow identifying the cause of infertility at a
cellular level by analysing the gametes, processing of gametes, isolating and culture of embryos, etc., which form the backbone of treatment
modalities for infertile couples.
OSHERM is one of the very few centers in the country to offer a full-time one year program in Embryology. The learning process uses a mix of
various methodologies including interactive lectures, small group learning, seminars and assignments, demonstration, laboratory rotations,
hands-on training on lab equipment and dissertation. The students are expected to achieve the following core competencies through this
- Gamete and Embryo Cryopreservation
- Laser Hatching and Biopsy
- Semen Analysis , Trouble Shooting , Setting-up a Lab , Quality Control , Research
Eligibility: PG in life sciences / Clinical Embryology / MBBS / MD / PhD
Certificate: Yes
At the end of the program the participant will be well versed with:
- Freezing techniques
- Instruments handling
- Data analysis
- Culture creation
- Embryo transfer technique
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