


Embryology Courses

Vitrification Program

COURSE DETAILS Course Name : Vitrification Program This program provides aspirants with knowledge on the cryobiological and technical aspects of cryopreservation, more specifically vitrificationof oocytes, embryos and Blastocyst, different systems for vitrification & Quality Control. Eligibility: PG in life sciences / Clinical Embryology / MBBS…

Basic Andrology Training Program

COURSE DETAILS Course Name : Basic Andrology Training Program Semen analysis is the first and foremost step in ART practice. Considering the increasing incidence of male factor infertility, there is animmediate need for a well-validated, standardized semen analysis. This basic certification provides the right mix…

Basic Embrology Training Program

COURSE DETAILS Course Name : Basic Embrology Training Program We offer a short term program on Basic Embryology with the objective to give a complete insight to all the trainees into the pre-requisites andtechniques associated with ART. This includes Lectures, demonstrations, hands-on workshops and trouble…

Clinical Courses

IUI Training Program (Protocols & Workshop)

COURSE DETAILS Course Name : IUI Training Program (Protocols & Workshop) This is an intensive workshop to get a complete insight into the pre-requisites and techniques associated with Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI).The course includes lectures on IUI Techniques, demonstration as well as Hands -on Training of…

IVF Protocols

COURSE DETAILS Course Name : IVF Protocols This is a Basic ART Course for Clinicians which gives an in-depth understanding of all aspects of an In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) cycle, frompre-treatment evaluation and testing, through the entire treatment path, and into planning for future cycles. This…

Managing a Male Patner in ART Practice

COURSE DETAILS Course Name : Managing Male Partner in ART Practice This program focuses on the development of clinical excellence in all aspects of male fertility management and basic science techniques inAndrology. Eligibility: MD / MS / DNB (in OBS & GYN) / DGO  Certificate:…

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