Impact of ART Bill On ART Industry
The Assisted Reproduction Technology regulation bill 2020 is the most recent, in the series of bills approved by the union cabinet, to protect and safeguard the procreative rights of women.
The historic bill series for the welfare of women starts with the introduction of the Assisted Reproductive Technology Regulation bill 2020 followed by the introduction of the Surrogacy Regulation Bill 2020 and the Medical Termination of pregnancy amendment bill 2020.
Once the bill is enacted by the Parliament, the Central Government will notify a date for the commencement of the Act, and a National board will be constituted. This board will lay down a code of conduct to be observed by those working in ART clinics, the basic standards, infrastructure and laboratory, and diagnostic equipment and expert manpower to be employed in the ART clinic and banks.
The Bill also has a provision for the National Registry and Registration Authority to maintain a Central database and assist the National Board in its functioning. The Bill also proposes for stringent punishment for those practicing sex selection, sale of human embryos or gametes, running agencies/rackets/organizations for such unlawful practices
Benefit for Infertile Couples:
The major benefit of this Act is that it would regulate assisted reproductive technologies (ART) in the country and subsequently many infertile couples can now confidently use these services and be ensured of the ethical practices.
Need for the introduction of the Bill:
Surrogacy Regulation Bill 2020:
The major advantage of this bill is the regulation of surrogacy services in the country. As such, it will control the unethical practices in surrogacy, prevent commercialization of surrogacy and will prohibit the potential exploitation of surrogate mothers and children born through surrogacy.
Medical Termination of pregnancy amendment bill 2020:
This Act recognises the importance of safe, affordable, accessible abortion services to women who need to terminate a pregnancy under certain specified conditions.
Career prospects:
The Assisted reproductive technologies are taking a leap each year, due to the rise in the number of incidences. The IVF service sector in India is foreseen to provide lucrative opportunities.
There is no denying fact that India has become one of the major centres of this global fertility industry with reproductive medical tourism becoming a significant activity. With this rise, the need for training doctors into fertility specialists has also seen significant growth.
Fertility schools like OSHERM offer fertility training in the field of reproductive medicine and ensure that an inherently thorough knowledge of IUI, IVF, ICSI, Cryobiology, PGT, gamete donation and many other technologies is imparted.
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