Our Faculty
Osherm Board
Dr. Durga Rao
Co-Founder & Medical Director
Mr. Kiran Gadela
Co-founder & Managing Director
Dr. Krishna Chaitanya
Scientific Head and Clinical Embryologist
Dr. Praveen Kumar Malige
Head Academics & Medical Services
Our Faculty
Our faculty, headed by renowned clinician, researcher and academician, Dr. Durga Rao Gadela with more than 20 years of expertise in the field of Reproductive Medicine, is committed to bring academic excellence, cutting-edge technology, and skilled experience to aspirants who are passionate to learn about ART procedures. They are highly qualified and have established expertise in the field, and committed to imparting the best education.
The faculty at OSHERM ensures proficiency for every aspirant at the end of various courses by imparting in depth knowledge through a balanced mix of various teaching modules, lectures, lab practice and actual hands-on training.
They work diligently towards meeting its ambitious goal of reaching new levels of academics through research, innovation and integrity.
The Academics Board at OSHERM comprises of specialists in the industry who are committed to upholding the values and missions that we hold close while imparting quality education.